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Story Writing

Areas to cover in a small story Describe the place Articulate the character Describe his friends Describe his enemies Describe the goal of the story Create the scenes and dangers Articulate the hurdles Articulate the plan of action Articulate the implementation  Articulate the accomplishment Summarize the story These steps holds good for a short story or a big one. A series could have multiples of anything at any moment. A story must have few criteria for its success Love Beauty Uglyness Sad Happiness Help Hate Goal Enimies Friends Danger Adventure Challenges Use more adjectives Silly, Playful, Eager, kind, immense, proud, helpless, nervous, scary, worried, chubby, flat, narrow, round, gigantic, huge, little, cooing, loud, quick, slow, swift, delicious, fresh, icy, juicy, careful, easy, gifted, curly, breeze, young, able, abundant, worried, heavy, angry  

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